If you want to run a successful business or be an invaluable employee, and you are just starting out, or trying to reach a significantly higher level, there is no way around working 60+ hour weeks (unless you just get lucky getting to know the right person or being in exactly the right place at the right time – which is rare, but it happens). This includes goal-setting, research, and planning outside of actual work hours. If you’ve reached that new high level, it’s going to take you 40-50 hours to maintain for at least 3-6 months or as much as 3-6 years. Then, and only then, should you be expecting to get away with 20-30 hour work weeks (or less) while demanding a substantial income. If you’ve achieved an outstanding income ($100,000+ at least) without doing this, you are a rare commodity and the law of averages would say you won’t keep it.