The holidays are meant to be enjoyed. People should enjoy themselves. It’s actually NOT the enjoyment that hurts them, it’s the DECREASE in exercise and healthy habits.
Negotiate holiday exercise. Can you give me 5 days/week? 4? 3? Get agreement. Can you give me 45 minutes a day/session? 20? 10? Get agreement. Can you do these 7 things each session? 6? 5? Yep, get agreement.
Agreement is when they laugh that it’s so silly to JUST train 3 days/week for 15 minutes with 5 exercises (or whatever it is that they laugh, actually laugh at). There must be a laugh and a smile before the conversation is over and your work is done. Do the laughable amount. But fail to have this basic conversation over what happens from now through January 1, and we’re talking about an extra 10-15 pounds, and, more importantly, a feeling of failure/regret over having not taken care of their body. If they get to those feelings, because you did not have the discussion with mutual agreement, there is the possibility that they may fall off from regular exercise and healthy habits not just for a few weeks, but for much longer. The ramifications of a few weeks “off” can lead to a lasting depression, of sorts, that may not ebb for months to come.
Have the conversation. Get agreement between you both. Act on it. Maybe it’s just a pact with yourself? Now that’s true enjoyment of the holidays.