Let’s put it this way. You could live off in the wilderness and hunt and gather your own food, build your own home, and do your best to survive on your own. But everyone does better with a community where jobs and responsibilities can be shared. Of course you CAN do it on your own. But you will always be stronger, safer, and better off when you have a community of like-minded people around you to help. That’s the job of a trainer, to understand the needs of the client, and be that constant protector and provider of strength, safety, and security. Sound a bit much? It shouldn’t be.
Some people say that no one should need a trainer. Fair enough. We should all do our own taxes, fix our own cars, build our own homes, and perform all of our own medical procedures, right? There are some things (if not most things) that will always be better if we get help, and not just try to do it ourselves. Many things are possible, but there just isn’t enough time in the day to do everything, and we often put ourselves in the hands of a qualified professional, like a certified personal trainer, once we realize, or believe, that the professional can do more for us by paying them and trusting in them, than we can do alone. Every great athlete or executive has had the help of a mentor or coach to help them get to where they are today. No one continues to rise and grow on their own. So it is with personal training.